Object Detection

Track and identify whatever your use-case requires. Our self-trained neural networks will let you know the position, orientation and type of objects. Track hundreds of vehicles, products or detect if any of your workers are missing safety gear.

Boat Detection on High Seas

Our system to optically detect boats on open sea can recognize and track small vessels up to a distance of 10km. What’s more the neural network can also classify if the boat is a speedboat, large vessel or sailing boat. The neural network is custom trained by ourselves to ensure reliability for all environmental circumstances.

Detection of Safety Gear

Camera systems are often found in industrial areas and construction zones to ensure adherence to safety standards. The problem is that hours upon hours of video material cannot be checked manually and is often only used after the fact that an accident happened. Our automated systems can help prevent tragedy in the first place by notifying your company of any employees not properly following safety procedures.

Parking Space Occupancy Detection

While newly built parking structures are oftentimes already equipped with electronics to check the occupancy of each individual parking space it is too costly to install such systems on already existing parking lots. Our computer vision based systems can be a cheap alternative to provide occupancy indicators. Additionally they can also record and log any activity on your parking spaces.